Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer

The Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer handles all duties of the City Clerk/Treasurer in the event of their absence. In addition, the Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer is the primary employee responsible for all city utility billing, receipting, and management. I.e. new accounts, new address creation, and problem resolution. 

The Office of Clerk/Treasurer and the Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer for the City of Tekoa provide clerical, record-keeping, and administrative functions for the City of Tekoa and all residents under the supervision of the Tekoa City Mayor. In addition, these individuals perform many tasks that assist in guiding and managing the operation of local government policy and law. Below are just a few of the responsibilities of the Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer.

  • Grants Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Demolition, and Peddlers Permits.
  • Receives all utility, permit, abatement, utility tax, state remittance advice, and dog license payments.
  • Schedules all community center rental and accepts rental fees, as well as the damage, and cleaning deposits.
  • Collects organizes and maintains all public records.
  • Maintains monthly compliance with the Department of Ecology and Department of Health.
  • Assist residents with any questions or complaints.
  • Manages the Small Works Roster. 

Contact Info

Nikki Hughes
Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer
419 N. Washington St., Tekoa, WA 99033
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